Allocation (or Portfolio)

A group of prospects or donors looked after by one fundraiser Your allocation size will depend upon how much time you have available for major gifts fundraising and the total gift potential of all of the prospects you’re working with.  E.g. a Trust Fundraiser working full time with donors making an annual gift of £500…

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Case for Support

“A document which sets out the problem a specific charity (or project) seeks to solve, the proposed solution and costs”. The Case for Support is not an external document, nor is it a one size fits all piece of communication to be shared in its original format, rather it is a template from which external…

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“Sharing information with a trust about how their gift has been spent and the impact as a result of their investment.” This is often an essential activity, the terms and format of the report are often dictated by the trust and are set out in the grant agreement. 

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“The process / actions / activities* you undertake in order to thank and recognise a trust following a gift.” *Many of these will be similar to those undertaken at the cultivation stage. Often includes reporting as a minimum.

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“The process / actions / activities* you undertake in order to know your prospects in preparation for asking for a gift.  “The time period between identification / research and asking.” *Many of these will be similar to those undertaken at the stewardship stage.

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A list of upcoming funding opportunities, used to predict income and plan accordingly A pipeline can relate to an individual fundraiser and their donor allocation, a team or to an organisation overall.  It keeps track of upcoming funding opportunities and enquiries / bids submitted where a decision has not been made.  Keeping track of your…

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Rolling programme

Where a trust or foundation considers applications sufficiently regularly that deadlines for submitting applications are not required.   For fundraisers, this means you can apply at any time.

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Instructions from a trust or foundation regarding the projects or services they wish to fund, the groups of people they seek to help and the process for making an application. 

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Discrete project

An activity or service which has a defined start and end point with specific outputs and outcomes attributes and where only one funder funds the costs in their entirety.

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An activity or service which has a defined start and end point with specific outputs and outcomes attributes. 

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