Allocation (or Portfolio)

A group of prospects or donors looked after by one fundraiser Your allocation size will depend upon how much time you have available for major gifts fundraising and the total gift potential of all of the prospects you’re working with.  E.g. a Trust Fundraiser working full time with donors making an annual gift of £500…


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Allocation (or Portfolio)

A group of prospects or donors looked after by one fundraiser

Your allocation size will depend upon how much time you have available for major gifts fundraising and the total gift potential of all of the prospects you’re working with. 

E.g. a Trust Fundraiser working full time with donors making an annual gift of £500 – £1,000 may have up to 100 prospects / donors in their allocation. 

A part time Trusts Manager working with 6 / 7 figure prospects may be working an allocation of between 10 – 30 trusts or foundations.

Whilst a fundraiser has oversight of their allocation and will often know the donors very well, they may act more as a conduit between the donor and the Chair / CEO, responsible for the overall trajectory of the relationship but not for the individual interactions which happen along the way (especially where bigger trusts / major donors are concerned).  

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