Quantitative evidence 

“measured by quantity” Evidence gathered during monitoring about your work which relates to data and is specific and measurable.


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LarkOwl Tony Caroline

Quantitative evidence 

“measured by quantity”

Evidence gathered during monitoring about your work which relates to data and is specific and measurable.

  • 6 people attended 10 weekly employability training sessions
  • Of the 6 people who attended weekly employability training sessions, 3 have since started new jobs
  • 2 acres of commercial coniferous forest felled and replaced with indigenous deciduous species
  • An increase of sightings of the rare spotted butterfly from X in 2010 to Y in 2020

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Looking for a dose of inspiration to help supercharge your income generation?

Sign up to receive The Nest Egg today - ideas and thoughts on raising money, big sector topics, training, development and (occasionally) forays into nature, DIY projects, political rants and favourite snacks…