Objectives / Activities

“a goal or aim” I define aims as one or two overall goals and objectives and activities as a further derivative of these.  Our aim is to provide high quality care for 6,000 local people living with life limiting illnesses and their families each year.” Our objectives are:


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LarkOwl Tony Caroline

Objectives / Activities

“a goal or aim”

I define aims as one or two overall goals and objectives and activities as a further derivative of these. 

Our aim is to provide high quality care for 6,000 local people living with life limiting illnesses and their families each year.”

Our objectives are:

  • To deliver care to 500 people within our inpatient unit each year
  • To support 700 people living with life limiting illnesses in their own homes (through our Hospice at Home service)
  • To support provide respite to over 1,000 carers each year through our day centre

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Looking for a dose of inspiration to help supercharge your income generation?

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